Abstracts should be submitted electronically not later than April 15, 2014. Please send your abstracts to mbn@fias.uni-frankfurt.de with the title “DySoN 2014 Abstract”. Please note that we will not accept abstracts sent by fax or regular mail.
The abstracts are to be supplied by the authors typewritten in camera-ready form in A4 format (210x297 mm), at least one page, maximum two pages, leaving a space of 25mm at top and 20 mm at left, right and bottom edges. The document should start with the title (also provided in the submission form below) followed by the name of the author and his or her rganization/affiliation and postal address. In case of several co-authors, the name of the person presenting the contribution at the conference shall be underlined.
The length of the abstract should not exceed two pages. The abstract template is available for downloading at http://www.open.ac.uk/science/physical-science-conferences/dyson-may-20…