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Upcoming event: October 09-11, 2024
The TECHNO-CLS consortium workshop will be organized with the aim of presenting the current progress achieved within the project and widening the TECHNO-CLS links with industrial companies relevant to the project. The event will take place on October 09-11, 2024 at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, Crete, Greece.

April 09, 2024
The workshop of the TECHNO-CLS consortium was organized by MBN Research Center within the framework of The Eight International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale" ( DySoN2024). The event took place on April 09, 2023 at Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia. Most of the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting and presented the current progress achieved within the project, as well as its further goals.

A program of the TECHNO-CLS workshop can be found here.

February 26, 2024
The coordination consortium on-line meeting was organized by MBN Research Center. All the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting. The following main topics were discussed:

  • Rolling plans for the year II and the preparation of the annual report for the European Commission
  • Meeting at the DySoN-MultIChem 2024 Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, April 08-12, 2024
  • TECHNO-CLS consortium meeting at Crete, October 10-11, 2024
  • Upcoming TECHNO-CLS deliverables

October 05-06, 2023
The TECHNO-CLS consortium workshop was organized with the aim of presenting the current progress achieved within the project and widening the TECHNO-CLS links with industrial companies relevant to the project. The event took place on October 05-06, 2023 at the University of Ferrara, Italy. 

For details, see the link. 

The meeting agenda can be found : here.

June 29, 2023
The coordination consortium on-line meeting was organized by MBN Research Center. All the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting. The following main topics were discussed:

  • Preparation of the first year periodic report
  • Preparation for the project review meeting

April 26, 2023
The The workshop of the TECHNO-CLS consortium was organized by MBN Research Center within the framework of The Seventh International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale" ( DySoN2023). The event took place on April 26, 2023 at the Villa Lanna in Prague, Czech Republic. All the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting and presented the current progress achieved within the project, as well as its further goals.

February 27, 2023
The coordination consortium on-line meeting was organized by MBN Research Center. All the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting. The following main topics were discussed:

  • Discussion of the rolling plans implementation by TECHNO-CLS partners;
  • TECHNO-CLS Workshop in frame of DySoN 2023 Conferences in Prague, April 24-26, 2023
  • 1st year evaluation in June-July 2023
  • TECHNO-CLS workshop in Ferrara, October 2023

December 19, 2022
The coordination consortium on-line meeting was organized by MBN Research Center. All the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting. The following main topics were discussed:

  • Implementation of tasks: Current status
  • TECHNO-CLS Data Base
  • Deliverables: DMP and PDE

September 30, 2022
Laura Bandiera presented a TECHNO-CLS Poster at 2022 European Researchers' Night at Research Night 2022.

September 13, 2022 The coordination consortium on-line meeting was organized by MBN Research Center.  All the TECHNO-CLS partners participated in the meeting. The following main topics were discussed:

  • TECHNO-CLS website newly created by the MBN-RC
  • Potential experiments within TECHNO-CLS that can be carried out at the Diamond facility, UK
  • The nearest (3-6 months) and the longer period (6-12 months tasks) tasks of the TECHNO-CLS teams within each TECHNO-CLS Work Package

July 22- 23, 2022
The kick-off meeting of the TECHNO-CLS project was held in Frankfurt am Main on July 22-23, 2022. The meeting was organized by MBN Research Center. The kick-off meeting comprised scientific presentations of the research groups involved in the project as well as a presentation on the project management and coordination issues, followed by a discussion. A program of the TECHNO-CLS kick-off meeting can be found here.