October 26, 2017
The Workshop of the Horizon 2020 RISE-PEARL project "Periodically Bent Crystals for Crystalline Undulators" and the Mid-Term Review Meeting were held at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy) during October 23-25, 2017. The meeting was organized by Università degli Studi di Ferrara, INFN Ferrara and MBN Research Center, who are the members of the PEARL Consortium.
The PEARL project aims at advancing the technologies for manufacturing of high quality periodically bent crystals. The crystals developed in the course of this project will be utilised for the construction of novel light sources of high-energy monochromatic electromagnetic radiation by means of a crystalline undulator.
The workshop comprised scientific presentations of the research groups involved in the project. In addition, a 1-day Mid-Term Review meeting with a project officer from the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission took place during October 25.
A scientific program of the workshop can be found here.