August 30, 2015
We are happy to announce a new release of MBN Explorer. The new version 2.0 is significantly advanced and improved as compared to the previous version 1.2. MBN Explorer 2.0 has the following advantages over MBN Explorer 1.2:
- New graphical interface for preparation of simulations and visualization of results
- Implementation of the Stillinger-Weber potential
- Improvement of implementation of CHARMM force fields
- Implementation of reactive CHARMM force fields
- Improvement of implementation of Particle Mesh Ewald algorithm
- Extended crystal structure generator
- New module for simulation of photon emission by charged particles moving in external fields based on the quasiclassical approach
- Extended module for 2D and 3D kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
- General performance improvement
- Extended library of example calculations
- Extended documentation
- Update of MBN Explorer tutorials
- Bug fixes
For users of MBN Explorer 1.0 and 1.1:
We announce the closure of the registration accounts for the users of both non-commercial and commercial license agreements for the earlier MBN Explorer versions 1.0 and 1.1 from October 1, 2015. If you wish to maintain your registration account with us you will need to register web-link on the platform of MBN Research Center gGmbH, being the main developer and distributor of MBN Explorer software package.
For users of MBN Explorer 1.2:
We invite you to complete the registration of your account web-link on the new platform of MBN Research Center gGmbH, being the main developer and distributor of MBN Explorer software package. Upon the registration we will be able to provide you with the new version of MBN Explorer 2.0 and the updated documentation.
For more information please visit and