October 07, 2019

The training course on Multiscale Computational Methods for Complex Molecular Systems took place in Rethymno, Crete, Greece on October 02-03, 2019. The course was part of the 1st Training School of the COST Action TUMIEE. About 30 PhD students and early-career researchers from different European countries have participated in this training.
The hands-on tutorial explored physical models and computational approaches used for the simulations of Meso-Bio-Nano (MBN) systems and the investigation of their structure and dynamics at the atomic level of detail. The course was based on practical exercises with the universal computational package MBN Explorer and MBN Studio - a special graphical user interface and multitask toolkit for MBN Explorer.
The case studies of atomic clusters, nanoparticles, biomolecular systems, nanomaterials, composite materials and material interfaces, crystalline, liquid and gaseous systems, thermo-mechanical properties of materials, dynamical, collision, chemical and irradiation driven multiscale phenomena were discussed.